Welcome to purefundsltd.com
Welcome to purefundsltd

About us

More than 100,000+
market entries.
Our introduction

Looking beyond the short term for the most
sustainable outcome.

purefundsltd company is a world class investment company institution located at PURE Funds AG Gotthardstrasse 14 6300 Zug. We operate in a thoughtful innovative method, in our digital global market. We are committed to helping our investors to reach their goals by providing a suitable innovation where our investors don't need to undergo the stress and risk of reading accurate algorithm of the Crytpo market and risk of losing their hard earned money in just a trade. Our company is listed on the stock exchange and has a portfolio leading international absolute return funds since 2015 when we were registered under the "Swizz financial market supervisory unit" we believe the value of our customers investment lies on the experience and quality of our team in the crypto market which will enable us create good returns for our investors.

In purefundsltd we offer you confidence that comes from a better understanding of your financial status and ease you off the stress of financial distraction. We are not only based on crypto we are able to engage and adapt to the current development of the modern world by creating diversification using different sectors that are important and of human amenities to create better revenue for our investors to be aware their funds and revenue are safe and confidence while investing with us so we engaged into these sectors too such as Stock Market, Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Real Estate and majorly Cryptocurrency Trade & Mining Investment. You too can be part of us and gain financial freedom by investing with us using Either Bitcoin or Ethereum in any of our plan within your capacity. Our referral bonus package is 10% of the value your downline has invested at any new deposit, you can gain a referral by sharing your referral link on your account dashboard. Be part of Us by registering now and enjoy quality trade and physical investment! Thank you for believing in purefundsltd Company We are honoured to have you as our humbled investor and partner.

purefundsltd.com is a registered Switzerland Company with Company Number: CHE-476.179.554. Certificate of Registration.

We have a dedicated team for clients who want 100% ethical and sustainable investment management. We achieve results by harnessing our extensive investment research resources. Our investment process captures the best thinking of our strategists, analysts and investment managers, which we use to build and manage your portfolio.

  • Startegic Vision
  • Interpersonal Skill
  • Networks That Span Sectors
  • Flexible Delivery Model


purefundsltd.com is a leading investment provider to financial market professionals. Our technical strategies cover forex, binary options and crypto. Our market depth and knowledge are attributed to our acquired experience on trading floors of many banking institutions.

Our organisation exists purely to support the people we trade with – the world’s more disadvantaged investors. We believe that investment, if organised and regulated properly, can lift the world’s poor out of poverty. At purefundsltd.com, we push ourselves daily to a limit of breaking point while enjoying ourselves while making profits. purefundsltd is a registered organization that offers private membership to individuals who wish to invest into Forex Trading, Binary Options, CFDs on stocks, ETFs and Crypto Trading.


Managing wealth responsibly takes collaboration: with each client, among colleagues and with professional partners. What matters is not who’s best but what’s best for our clients.


We are not afraid to ask difficult questions or make changes that need to be made. We stand up for what’s right, accepting that this can be challenging sometimes.


We take our professional responsibilities seriously. We are accountable for what we do: to our clients, to each other and to the future.
How WE Work

Three Simple Steps
Working Process



Find Sources, evaluate Sources, establish a potential market.


Breaking a market into segments and outline target goals.


Activate market entries with pre-evaluated results and exit points.